City Board Minutes


The Humboldt City Board met in special session on Monday, October 17th, 2005.  The meeting was called to order by Chairman Allen Schmeichel at 7:00 p.m.  Trustees present were Theresa Muth and Larry Skari. 


The public hearing for the Variance Application submitted by Larry Richter was held.   The request is to have a 22 foot setback from the property line instead of a 25 foot set back due to the water table in the water way.  The building permit is to place a 60’ x 28’ private garage on lot 6, Tract D, Rus-Mill Addition.  No one from the public was present for the public hearing.  After review a motion was made by Muth and seconded by Schmeichel to approve the Variance to allow and 22 ft set back on the south side of the property and approve the building permit.  The motion carried.


Fees for check cashing at the bar was discussed.  The sales at the bar for 2004 and 2005 were reviewed.  


The Lutz and McGregor houses were discussed.


Quotes for painting the large room at the Community Center, replacing the mop boards and repairing the step will be obtained.


The job description for the Janitor at the Community Center was discussed.


Quotes will also be obtained for scrubbing and waxing the floors at the Community Center. 


Other items discussed included a tent for summer fun days and chairs for the finance office conference room. 


With no further business, a motion was made by Schmeichel and seconded by Skari to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m.  The motion carried.



                        FINANCE OFFICER