Natural Gas Board Minutes


The Humboldt Natural Gas Board met in regular session on Thursday, October 6th, 2005.  The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jim Jarding at 7:05 p.m.  Members present were Ritchy Griepp, Kira Schmeichel, Lynn Froke and Harvey Shumaker.


The minutes of the September meeting were reviewed.  A motion was made by Froke and seconded by Schmeichel to approve the minutes.  The motion carried.


The financial for the month of September 2005 were reviewed.  A motion was made by Schmeichel and seconded by Shumaker to approve the financials.  The motion carried.


Rates paid for the September usage was $10.96 per dekatherm and the estimated rate for October usage is $11.66 including transportation per dekatherm. 


Locking in for November through March was discussed.  Jeff McKinney indicated that he felt prices would come down soon and to continue to purchase gas on a month by month basis.  The board agreed.


The stick on calendars are done and will be shipped in November to be mailed out to customers in the December utility bills.


Jeff McKinney had also asked if the Natural Gas Board would be interested in selling the Gas System to NorthWestern Energy.  No one was available to attend the meeting to give the board more details.  What the rates would be through NorthWestern was the main concern. It will be reviewed at the next meeting if a NorthWestern Energy representative is able to attend.


Due to the cost of Natural Gas, Budget Billing was discussed.  The computer system currently is not capable of processing budget billing.  If necessary, payment arrangements for the winter months will be available by contacting the Finance Officer at 605-363-3789.  An agreement will need to be signed prior to the approval of the arrangements.


The contract for 2006 MMUA Operator Qualification Training was submitted for approval.  The amount to be paid MMUA for the training will not change from last year.  The amount is $3300.00 for the year. A motion was made by Griepp and seconded by Froke to approve the contract.  The motion carried.  The contract was signed by the Chairman.


With no further business, a motion was made by Schmeichel and seconded by Griepp to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m.  The motion carried.



                        FINANCE OFFICER