The Humboldt City Board met in Regular session on
The minutes of the April regular and special meetings were reviewed. A motion was made by Schmeichel and seconded by Skari to approve the minutes with the amendment to the April 28th minutes regarding the key for the Coke man, to state that it is not necessary for third party vendors to have a key to the bar. The motion carried.
The public hearing for the malt beverage license renewal applications for the Town & Country, 38 Special and Main Café and Steak was held. There were no persons present to voice their opinions. A motion was made by Schmeichel and seconded by Skari to approve the Malt Beverage License renewals for Town & Country, 38 Special and Main Café and Steak. The motion carried.
Street repair after a sewer replacement was discussed.
The Natural Gas Board did not have a meeting this month.
The financials for the bar were reviewed. The old air conditioner at the bar is not working and needs to be replaced. The utility manager will contact local heat and air contractors and get quotes for a replacement.
Replacing the flooring behind the bar and where to pool table sits was discussed. The bar manager will get quotes on linoleum and hardwood.
The cooler from Orion where the pizza machine sets does not work and has never worked. Orion will be contacted for a quote for repairs or a replacement cooler.
The board indicated that the Bar Manager will be required to be present at the City Board meetings on a Quarterly basis.
Chairman Schmeichel declared the meeting in executive
session at
The meeting was reconvened at
Summer Fun Days was discussed. A meeting has been scheduled at
The complaint received from Madonna Crist regarding loud
music coming from the bar was discussed.
The mayor investigated the complaint on
The revision of Resolution P&Z 4-12-04-01 regarding Planning and Zoning fees was submitted for approval. The revision increases the fees for Special Session Meetings, Variances, Rezoning, and Conditional Uses from $75.00 to $100.00. A motion was made by Muth and seconded by Skari to approve the revision to resolution P&Z 4-12-04-01. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Schmeichel and seconded by Skari to table the Employee Job Descriptions until Monday May 16th.
Abandon Vehicles were discussed. Clean up day was
Bill Marketon will be at the June meeting to discuss the culvert at his property and the dirt washing away.
Health insurance for full time employees will increase 6%
Surplus property was discussed. The stereo at the bar, the old dump truck and a refrigerator have been determined unnecessary. A motion was made by Muth and seconded by Skari to declare the property as surplus and appraise it. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Schmeichel and seconded by Muth to accept the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board to appoint Terry Luke to the Planning and Zoning board. The motion carried.
The building permits approved for April were submitted for review. Building permits were issued for the following:
Don Ideker 108 S Roberts St Finish Basement
Bryon Hahn 412
Paul Ketcham 108 W 6th Ave Reside Garage N&W side
Jarding Construction 1010 North Ford New House
Ron Meyer 116 S Grant Insulate & Sheet rock
The hood and backstops at Diamonds B & C were
discussed. A motion was made by Muth and
seconded by Schmeichel to table the approval to install new hoods and backstops
until the
The hood at Diamond A was discussed. Ideker Construction will be coming through town next week with their lift. Donnie will coordinate with Ideker Construction to use their lift to put the hood up.
Jamboree days in
The street access grant and Twins grant were both discussed.
SECOG has indicated that the Rate Maker Program for determining if the water and sewer rates are adequate now has decreased in cost to $200 per utility due to the availability of the Small Community Planning Grant and the East Dakota Water Development District Grant. A motion was made by Skari and seconded by Muth to apply for the grants and have SECOG proceed with the Rate Maker Study. The motion carried.
The finance officer received a call from an engineer in Sioux Falls who indicated that he knew of three water towers that will be dismantled this fall and if the City was interested in one. However after the meeting with Banner on April 28th, a new water tower is not being included in the facility plan for Humboldt.
The lease with Herb Roe for the finance office is up in July 2005. The original lease stated that the board had the option to extend the lease for an additional year at $320.00 per month. A motion was made by was made by Muth and seconded by Schmeichel to exercise the option to extend the lease for one more year. The motion carried.
The maintenance mans utility bill was discussed.
The finance officer will be getting quotes to have an accounting firm complete the annual report.
The Garbage Service with Addy Disposal was discussed.
Other items discussed included the Bathrooms at
The budget was reviewed.
Bills, financial and payroll were submitted for approval. A motion was made by Schmeichel and seconded by Skari to approve the bills, financials and payroll. The motion carried.
With no further business, a motion was made by Schmeichel
and seconded by Muth to adjourn the meeting at