Planning and Zoning Meeting


The Humboldt Planning and Zoning Board met in regular session on Monday, March 6, 2006.  The meeting was called to order by President Bob Schulte at 7:00 p.m.  Members present were Mark Ideker and Marti Sidel.    


The minutes of the February meeting were reviewed.  A motion was made by Sidel and seconded by Ideker to approve the minutes.  The motion carried.


President Bob Schulte excused himself at 7:03 p.m. for the public hearing concerning a review of a conditional use permit for Midwest Sales. The floor was opened for discussion and comments on the conditional use public hearing. No one was present for discussion or comments on the public hearing. As there was not a quorum no decision was made and a meeting was set for March 13, 2006 for more comments and discussion on the matter. President Bob Schulte reentered the meeting at 7:05 p.m.


A building permit for Kaleb & Heather Hight was submitted for review. They would like to convert a bedroom into a bathroom and possibly add a closet onto another room. A motion was made by Sidel and seconded by Ideker to approve the building permit. The motion carried.


Ken Mathieu and Glen Chance were present to discuss putting steel roofing on three dwellings located in the City limits. It was stated that it would need to be architectural metal roofing according to the 1997 Uniform Building Code. Ken Mathieu and Glen Chance left at 7:50 p.m.


The building permits issued for the month of February were reviewed.  Permits were issued to the following:


Jarding Construction                 509 W. 4th Ave.           Reroof

Marti Sidel                               502 E. North St.           8X8 Deck

Francis May                             416 S. Annway            Reshingle

Trisha Judstra                           208 S. Main St.            Reside, Reshingle, 8X14 Deck


With no further business, a motion was made by Ideker and seconded by Sidel to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m.  The motion carried.


ATTEST:         Kim McCormick

                        Assistant Finance Officer