RESOLUTION # R-12-12-05-2





WHEREAS, the Town of Humboldt has determined the need for a Water Supply and Distribution System Improvements Project; and


WHEREAS, financial assistance will be necessary to enable the Town to construct these improvements; and


WHEREAS, the Town Board desires funding assistance from the Consolidated Water Facilities Construction Program (CWFCP) of the South Dakota Department of Environment & Natural Resources for this improvement;


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Humboldt hereby authorizes the filing of a CWFCP grant application, including all assurances contained therein, and hereby designates the President to act as Project Certifying Officer in connection with the application, grant agreement, and other required forms, and to provide such additional information as may be required by the State of South Dakota.



Adopted this 12th day of December 2005, by the Town Board of the Town of Humboldt, South Dakota.





Allen Schmeichel                                                                  Official Seal:

Allen Schmeichel, President





Kristie Ellis                                                         

ATTEST: Kristie Ellis, Finance Officer