Planning and Zoning Special Meeting Minutes


The Humboldt Planning and Zoning Board met in special session on Monday, March 13th, 2006.  The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Dave Froke at 6:45 p.m.  Members present were Terry Luke and Marti Sidel.  The purpose of the meeting was to review the Conditional Use Permit Application of Bob Schulte for four (4) portable mini-storage units on Lot 2A, Block 4 of Humboldt City Original Subdivision, in a B-1 District. 


After review and discussion, a motion was made by Froke and seconded by Luke to recommend to the Board of Adjustments approva1 of the Conditional Use Permit provided all four units are secured to the ground with a minimum of 4 tie downs.  The motion carried. 


With no further business, a motion was made by Sidel and seconded by Luke to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 p.m.  The motion carried.



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