Humboldt Board Minutes

The Humboldt City Board met in regular session on Monday, December 12th, 2005.  The meeting was called to order by Chairman Allen Schmeichel at 7:00 p.m.  Trustees present were Larry Skari and Theresa Muth.  Others present were Butch Hanssen from Novak Sanitation, Chris and Nancy Korkow from Addy Disposal and Carol and Rick Blomberg from Rick Blomberg Sanitation. 


The minutes of the November regular and special meetings were reviewed.  A motion was made by Muth and seconded by Skari to approve the minutes.  The motion carried.


The Natural Gas report was given by the finance officer.  The rates paid for November were $13.2486 and the estimated rate for December usage is $10.6723. 


The bids for garbage service were discussed.  Several businesses in the City questioned what the rates for the commercial service would be.  That was not an item in the bid however the board felt it was necessary to know commercial rates prior to awarding the bid.  Only one garbage service will be allowed to service the City for residential and commercial pick up.  Items that need to be included in the Commercial rate quote are the size of the dumpster and rates for once a week pick up and twice a week pick ups. The three garbage services agreed to submit quotes for commercial rates.  A motion was made by Schmeichel and seconded by Muth to table the bid awarding until Monday, December 19th, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. The motion carried. 


Chairman Schmeichel declared the meeting in executive session at 7:20 to discuss the garbage quotes.  The meeting resumed at 7:30.


Rich Victor of Banner and Associates arrived at 7:30 p.m.


The bids for the ECSI building were opened.  One bid was received from Brad Hallem in the amount of $1007.00.  A motion was made by Schmeichel and seconded by Skari to reject the bid and submit a counter offer to Mr. Hallem.  The motion carried.


The agreement with Siouxland Libraries was discussed.  The possibility of including space for the library with the school expansion plan was suggested.  A meeting with Joy Fick of the Siouxland Libraries will be scheduled.  She will be contacted to see if she is able to meet on Monday the 19th.      


The 2006 Police Contract was submitted for approval.  The contract is for 10 hours per week with an annual cost of $11,518.00.  A motion was made by Skari and seconded by Muth to approve the contract with the Minnehaha Sheriff’s Department.  The motion carried.  The contracts were signed.


The agreement for Attorney Services with Danforth and Meierhenry Law firm was submitted for approval.  A motion was made by Skari and seconded by Muth to approve the contract.  The motion carried.


The towing of vehicles for snow removal was discussed. 


Dan Lueth submitted a quote for the Maintenance Building work.  The amount of the quote was $3000.00.  A motion was made by Skari and seconded by Schmeichel to approve Dan Lueth’s quote and have him do the work as soon as possible.  The motion carried.


An ad for a Custodian at the Humboldt Community Center and for help at bar will be in the paper this week.


Schoenfish and Co. is working on the Annual report and will have it submitted to the board before the end of the year.  Chairman Schmeichel asked if could be done by the 19th, to be included at that meeting.  Schoenfish & Co. will be contacted.


Sara Kleinschmit from SECOG arrived at 8:15 p.m. 


Rich Victor of Banner and Associates and Sara Kleinschmit from SECOG were present to discuss the Water Distribution Project.  Deadlines for filing grant applications and SRF Loan applications were discussed.  The contract with Banner and Associates for design and construction will be handled through Minnehaha Community Water Corporation.  The board indicated that they wanted to go forward with the project. 


Resolution R-12-12-05-2 authorizing the filing of the Consolidated Water Facilities Construction Program Grant was submitted for approval. A motion was made by Skari and seconded by Muth to approve Resolution R-12-12-05-02.  The motion carried. (E-mail attached)


Charles Jarding arrived at 8:25 p.m. 


Generators for the fire department, water tower, lift pumps and the community center were discussed.  The issue was brought up due to the power outages through out the state after the last blizzard.  Emergency Management in Minnehaha County was contacted regarding any available grants.  There are grants available through the program which pay 50/50 or 100%. Which one the Fire Department and the City would qualify for is not known yet. Also possibly combining the generator and the sirens in to one grant was discussed. Having one generator to run the fire hall and the water tower was discussed due to there locations.  Charles will contact Emergency Management to get the grant process started.


The fire hydrant and drop in-let at 704 W 2nd Ave. was discussed.  The board indicated that since Charles put the drop in-let in the City Road Right of Way with out the board’s approval, the attorney has drafted a hold harmless clause to be signed by Charles.  Charles refused to sign the document and refused to pay for the fire hydrant.  Other items were also discussed regarding the project. Nothing was resolved regarding the matter.  The attorney will be contacted regarding the matter.


The bar financials were reviewed.  The quarterly inventory will be done on New Years Day at 3:00 p.m.  


Resolution R-12-12-05-1 regarding the transfer of contingency funds for the 2005 budget was submitted for approval.  A motion was made by Muth and seconded by Schmeichel to approve Resolution R-12-12-05-1.  The motion carried. (E-mail attached)


Ordinance O-12-12-05-1 regarding the Supplement Budget for 2005 was submitted for the first reading.  A motion was made by Schmeichel and seconded by Skari to approve the first reading.  The motion carried.  The second reading will be on Monday, December 19th, 2005. 


Salary actions for the 2006 were discussed.  The Resolution –2006 Salaries was submitted for approval.  A motion was made by Muth and seconded by Skari to approve the resolution.  The motion carried.  (E-mail attached).


Brad Hallem arrived at 9:30 p.m.  The board counter offered $2500.00 for the sale of the ECSI building.  Brad counter offered with $2000.00.  A motion was made by Skari and seconded by Muth to accept the offer for $2000.00 and process the paper work for the sale.  The motion carried.


The bills, financials and payroll were submitted for approval.  After review, a motion was made by Skari and seconded by Muth to approve the bills, financials, and payroll.  The motion carried.  (E-mails attached)


The employee appreciation which has been set for January 15th, 2006 was discussed.


With no further business, a motion was made by Schmeichel and seconded by Muth to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 p.m.  The motion carried.



                        FINANCE OFFICER