Be it resolved by the
Utility Manager--$16.61 per hour with time and 1/2 for hours
exceeding 40 worked hours per week, 100 % of health insurance paid by
city, and 6% matching contribution to South Dakota Retirement.
Finance Officer--$15.55 per hour with time and 1/2 for hours
exceeding 40 worked hours per week, 100 % of health insurance paid by city and
6% matching contribution to South Dakota Retirement.
Assistant Finance Officer-- $9.36 per hour with time and ½ for hours exceeding
40 worked hours per week, 100% of health insurance paid or $2000.00 if waiving
insurance and 6% matching contribution to South Dakota Retirement.
Bar manager--$24,606.40 salary per year, 4% commission on net profit,
less any major expenses in excess of $2000.00, 100% health insurance paid by
city and 6% matching contribution to South Dakota Retirement.
Bar Employees-- $7.30 to $8.75
Part-time summer help-$7.00 to $9.88
Trustees--$660.00 per year plus $60.00 per attended meeting
HCC Janitor--$9.00
Planning and Zoning and
Natural Gas Board members--$20.00 per
attended meeting.
A motion was made by Muth
and seconded by Skari to approve the salaries Resolution for the year 2006.
The motion carried.
Dated: December 12, 2005